Does this picture resonate? It most certainly does for us here at Sladen Consulting!
We like a plan. Especially one that is simple, clear, and specific. What could possibly go wrong?
More often than not things come out of the woodwork, the unforeseen happens, change occurs that is out of our control.
Sometimes we’ve got to go backwards to go forwards.
Sometimes we’re going slower, or even we could be going too fast.
There are bear traps and hazards littered throughout the path. This is the reality of the execution of a strategy.
We’ve learned to expect the unexpected, by supporting one another, talking early, being nimble, and acting at pace helps overcome these obstacles.
In addition, we always have an eye on the end goal and celebrate mini successes (and the big ones!).
These are some of the things that help us navigate the reality of executing our well thought out plans.