Visual showing interacting with curiosity

Whenever we at Sladen Consulting go into initial conversations about a new project, there is one thing – above all others – that we bring to the conversation: curiosity.

We are all born with a tremendous amount of curiosity, it is the basis for children to learn and grow. But routine, responsibilities, and expectations can reduce curiosity until we tend to do things “like we have done them before” or “to be on the safe side”.

By doing that, by being indifferent rather than switching our curiosity on, we run the risk of missing out on asking questions, seeking answers, and being inspired by each other’s thoughts and observations.

When we approach life with a curious mindset, every experience becomes an opportunity to learn and grow – for everyone involved in the interaction.

Curiosity is a superpower and the gateway to lifelong learning.

So, we are curious…what are your tips to nurture your inner curiosity?