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Sladen family member Karina Leyser Cordeiro recently attended a business congress where the theme was “Happiness as a Business Strategy”. Sounds great!

While the idea of happiness as a strategy is intriguing, the real takeaway for her was the importance of intentionality.

Intentionality means having a clear purpose aligned with your actions. It’s about being fully present and engaged in every task, striving for excellence, and making conscious choices that drive sustainable growth.

Why is intentionality so important? Our brains often default to autopilot mode, especially in routines. While efficient, this autopilot mode can prevent us from being truly present and select the best course of action. To cultivate intentionality, we need to be mindful of this autopilot and find ways to break free — through conscious pauses, mindfulness practices, and seeking new challenges.

For leaders, intentionality is even more crucial, influencing everything from giving feedback to building trust. It’s the key that unlocks happiness and success.

How does intentionality show up in your life? How can you cultivate it? Let’s turn off autopilot, be present in our actions, and discover the success and happiness that await.