Rise, Shine and Restore - Richard Colley Interview
Eoin Walker has put together a series of podcasts where he has “restorative conversations with real people”.
The ‘real’ person in this episode is our very own Richard Colley! Take some time out and listen in to find out more about what drives him, what his vulnerabilities are, and get an insight into our unique Sladen team culture. This is a very open and honest insight from our founder – thank you Eoin.

Sustainability Workshop with Piers Carter
Some encounters stay with you forever. We are all learning now that even virtual meetings can connect people and leave a lasting impression. It might be the subject matter, the way it was presented, the way the debate flowed, something that you learnt. The warmth of the person you met, a smile, a connection. A team discussion, common ground, that bonds a group of people in an incredibly powerful way.
The Sladen Family encountered many moments like this last week at our annual Gathering. One such moment is shared here for you. This audio clip features Piers Carter opening our Sustainability workshop, in his own words. Emotional, powerful and personal.
What connections have you made in the past months that have stayed in your mind, and why?
The Trust Equation
In every team building, bonding session or team effectiveness workshop we have ever run, the word trust comes up. Everyone knows the importance of having a high trustworthiness within a team. But how do you build trust? What are the key elements that make it up? How do we focus on something that is a bit hard to put a finger on?
The trust equation provides lens for team members to have valuable conversations:
Credibility. saying what you know and feel. This allows us to share what we truly think and feel.
Reliability. Having confidence in others that they will deliver on their promises.
Intimacy. Feeling safe and secure in the knowledge that if I share something it will not be used against me in the future.
If we work on these three elements trust has a high likelihood of being built. Critically however, self orientation or acting in self interest over own interest of the team will have a powerful negative effect – putting at risk the good work done on the others.
Use this trust equation in a team setting to discuss the various elements. What can you do to improve the likelihood of increasing trust?