Skill Bites.
“Skill Bites are like learning powered by Rocket Fuel!”
Helping Navigate 8 Business Challenges.
Skill Bites are a suite of over 50 high impact learning sessions categorised under 8 business themes, allowing organisations or individuals to pick from a menu of topics to meet specific needs.
Virtual or face-to-face
Each Skill Bite can be delivered virtually or face-to-face to groups of 15-20 participants and easily fits into a busy schedule as they are no longer than 90 minutes. The experience is participative, fun, focussed and always solution oriented with an action plan being built before the end.

Bespoke or off the menu
Skill Bites are versatile. You can choose straight from the menu or we can build and brand for your team or organisation. With our global network of over 50 facilitators we are able to deliver at scale in more than 20 languages. Since we launched Skill Bites more than 200,000 participant sessions have been delivered.
High octane learning
Equally, teams can spice up their monthly meeting with a Skill Bite or two dotted throughout the agenda. We are often asked to deliver Skill Bites in conferences to teams of 100s, adding a learning element that compliments the overarching themes of the meeting.